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Perfect World Ready-Mix Co. hires only the best, most suitable and qualified technical personnel at all levels. Highly knowledgeable and experienced engineers head our technical team and using state of the art, fully automatic concrete batching plants with wet mix technology.

Our technical staff keep up to date with new and advanced concrete technologies through participation in international forums and seminars.


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PWR technicians will check every truck mixer load prior to dispatch from the Batch plant to ensure compliance with customer requirements from the workability, Concrete temperature And Yield Accuracy.

Special care is being taken for Hot Weather Concrete and concreting procedures confirming to ACI 305-R. Chilled Water Cooling System and Crushed Ice Plants have been installed to make sure that concrete temperature is well-controlled.

Concrete sample specimens (cube or cylinders as the required specifications) will done to evaluate the compressive strength.


The contractor will make available a centralized check point at the project site in order to sample/test the fresh concrete for workability and temperature control, before the truck mixer reaches the concrete pump.

The testing frequency is as per as the projects specifications.

 PWR will provide QC site technicians for every pour.

The contractor will make available a washing out area so that the drivers can wash their pumps and truck mixers chute after discharging.


The Technical Department, has fully made itself responsible to control and process durable, long lasting, on-station quality checks/inspection are carried out for the incoming Raw Materials to make sure that the materials are supplied as per our specification and standards,  immediate rejection of any non-compliance material is isolated and returned back to the source of supply  with non-compliance reports.

Fresh Concrete is checked for accurate batching process and the concrete checked for Yield Accuracy and Workability.

Hardened concrete testing like strength & Durability.

And also follow up the same previous tests Third Party Laboratories.


Concrete Mix Designs are designed in accordance with ACI-211, BS and SBC Specifications. Quality procedures under Quality Assurance are laid out in compliance with the ASTM C-94 and ACI 305 for supply and production of ready mix concrete.

A procedure is in place to design, control and review the concrete mixes in order to comply with the performance criteria meanwhile minimize the carbon footprint of mixes in use.

  • Design Input.

  • Design Output.

  • Design Verification.

  • Design Validation.

  • Design Optimization (R&D).


Our concrete Batching Plants are fitted with heavy duty, robust twin paddle mixers and pan mixers.

These plants use latest and fastest conveying systems with extremely accurate weighing systems (to the third decimal point), all hooded under a fully automated process. This is backed up by state of the art, sophisticated & computerized control system.

During concrete mixing phase, the different components come together in the central mixer of the batching plant to produce a uniform mass of concrete. Mixing time is registered from the moment materials and water are poured into the cement mixer (batching plant central mixer) and begins rotating.


Since Cement is one of the main ingredients in concrete, and is the second most consumed commodity in the world after water, PERFECT WORLD READY-MIX CONCRETE used specially designed concrete mixes, and therefore reduce the embodied carbon by more than 30% while meeting all the durability criteria set by Clients (Cement production is responsible for around five percent of the world's carbon dioxide emissions).


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